Pro-Mix HP

20% Off All Ceramic Pots - Use Code: CERAMIC

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20% Off All Ceramic Pots

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Pro-Mix HP

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Pro-Mix HP Mini Bag
Premium Quality Resealable Bag (2 Quarts)


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Free U.S. Shipping Over $99

Product Highlights

  • Peat Based
  • Soilless
  • Offers High Air-Capacity and Low Water-Retention
  • Recommended for Water Sensitive Plants
  • HP = High Porosity
  • Combines Well with Bark, Diatomite, Perlite, and Others

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*U.S. Quarter shown for reference.

Note: In general, one quart of potting media fills a six inch wide pot, two four inch pots, or half of an eight inch pot with no plant in it.

Frequently Bought Together

Pro-Mix HP
Green Plastic Violet Pots - 6.5" - 6 Pack
FEED ME! MSU Fertilizer - RO/Rain/Tap Water - 16 oz (Pint)
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Pro-mix HP is a peat based medium. HP stands for High Porosity. Pro Mix HP is formulated to provide high air-capacity and low water-retention and is designed for use with water sensitive plants. Pro-mix HP can be combined with bark, diatomite, perlite or other ingredients in orchid mix. Growing orchids in a soilless mix such as Pro Mix HP is casually referred to as growing orchids in mud.

Pro-Mix HP: one of the many quality substrates offered by rePotme for orchids, bonsai and all fine plants. We offer it as an individual potting medium, and also in our custom "make your own" Custom Potting Soil - Select-A-Blend by rePotme

If you would like to have us make you up a custom mix we will make it, pack it and ship it right to your door. Select-A-Blend is unique because we let YOU create a custom potting mix with any combination of 12 quarts from our giant menu of potting media. Try Select-A-Blend the next time you plant or repot. This unique custom mix offering is one-of-a-kind and helps make planting and repotting simple and fun while offering you a myriad of choices of the best possible fresh mediums! Available as an individual media, in a variety of size containers, or as mix --- you decide, and rePotme will deliver it. What could be better?

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